Monday, 22 March 2010
Spring has sprung...
........and then sprang away again!! OUTRAGEOUS!! Yesterday was a lovely day, and Mummy and I had a nice ride round the fields. Today was lesson day - and it rained! I got very wet ears! Auntie Catherine was wearing a very nice waterproof coat, but I notice she didn't offer it to me! It would have covered my ears and head just right!! I made my disapproval known by resorting to a go slow during my flection exercises. Humph! I did forget I was supposed to be grumpy when I was doing my poles and back ups. I like those. I show off then. Teeeheeee!
Monday, 15 March 2010
A Lady is worthy of a fly past.....
.....however, I was thinking more in the way of the Red Arrows - and not somewhere in the region of 300 PIGEONS darting around!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Friday, 5 March 2010
..... Its not often I swoon over a boy, but I admit this chap and his story has made me go quite weak at the knees! I know its OUTRAGEOUS! I've gone all Bonnie Tyler - "I need a Hero!!!" I wonder if he needs a female horsey pen-pal? SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNN!!!! I can't imagine swimming out to sea! I don't even like standing in puddles! What a man!
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
I have been thinking......
.......... I may start my own club, The Outraged Horse Club, for horses of a certain age and their Mummys and Daddys, so they can make new friends and riding chums - sensible hacking for us folks that would like someone to ride out with, but no longer want to go tanking off across fields. Leisurely plods out with good company. Hmmmmmm, my powerful horsey brain cogs are turning. If I make it girls only, then the Idiot Boys can't join! But that is a bit mean. Plus my gay hairdresser would be excluded. How would this work......? I'll eat some hay and contemplate....
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
New Teeth? New Vet!
I have met the new vet. I have assessed her and passed her as agreeable for my requirements. Today was our 3 monthly checkover (Mum is such a worry wuss). Our new vet is called Kate, and I admit she is very nice. She thought I was WONDERFUL, so she obviously recognises a Lady of Quality when she sees one. I am, as expected, in peak condition and I quote, "quite wonderful and amazing for her age." Well, only to be expected really. I have had my dental and my teeth are 'brilliant and in great condition." I am just soooooooooooo perfect, again I amaze myself with my wonderous self.
Of course, that twit Pops was over the moon that we have another lady vet! Especially when she put her hand under his rug and felt his bottom! He went all pathetic and squishy! He is so easily won over by a pretty face! OUTRAGEOUS! He was a real goody two-shoes while he was having his dental. He stood there with a soppy look on his face, looking like he was a stuffed toy! What a creepy pants!
The other fool, Mac, was a bit of a girlie pants. He didn't want to have his teeth done - BLOUSE!
He was a good boy in the end, but he put on his 'clown' routine first to try and get out of it. Really, boys are soooooooooooo stupid! He also was naughty earlier! Mummy was on the phone to Auntie Helen, probably telling her to let JT know that I didn't believe that my valentines day card was lost in the post, and I was getting a new hairdresser............. and that cheeky devil Mac only stole the phone out of Mummy's hand and threw it on the floor!! OUTRAGEOUS!!! All Auntie Helen could hear was Mummy & Auntie Sharon laughing and Mummy saying, "don't you dare stamp on that and squish Helen!!"
After Kate the vet had gone, and Pops had drifted back down from his 'lovesick for the new vet cloud', Mummy & Auntie Sharon went and checked out the big field. We moved there this afternoon, so our other field can have grass seed put down ready for spring. It is very exciting going into the new field. Lots of new things to see and explore. Even better, I like it in this field because I check out people arriving to meet the doggies. I can demand attention and fuss - but mainly I can demand apples and carrots!
Life is good!
Of course, that twit Pops was over the moon that we have another lady vet! Especially when she put her hand under his rug and felt his bottom! He went all pathetic and squishy! He is so easily won over by a pretty face! OUTRAGEOUS! He was a real goody two-shoes while he was having his dental. He stood there with a soppy look on his face, looking like he was a stuffed toy! What a creepy pants!
The other fool, Mac, was a bit of a girlie pants. He didn't want to have his teeth done - BLOUSE!
He was a good boy in the end, but he put on his 'clown' routine first to try and get out of it. Really, boys are soooooooooooo stupid! He also was naughty earlier! Mummy was on the phone to Auntie Helen, probably telling her to let JT know that I didn't believe that my valentines day card was lost in the post, and I was getting a new hairdresser............. and that cheeky devil Mac only stole the phone out of Mummy's hand and threw it on the floor!! OUTRAGEOUS!!! All Auntie Helen could hear was Mummy & Auntie Sharon laughing and Mummy saying, "don't you dare stamp on that and squish Helen!!"
After Kate the vet had gone, and Pops had drifted back down from his 'lovesick for the new vet cloud', Mummy & Auntie Sharon went and checked out the big field. We moved there this afternoon, so our other field can have grass seed put down ready for spring. It is very exciting going into the new field. Lots of new things to see and explore. Even better, I like it in this field because I check out people arriving to meet the doggies. I can demand attention and fuss - but mainly I can demand apples and carrots!
Life is good!
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
I am back..............
...........Admit it, you've missed me!!! I suppose One should wish everyone a Happy New Year, but that was ageeeeeeeeeeeees ago now!! I have, of course, been completely OUTRAGED since my last post! Have you seen the weather?!?! What is a lady to do. Up until last week I'd not been able to have my Western lesson since before Christmas. But now, Yipheeee and YeHaH, I'm back on track. Or course, One has to let Mother join in. Well, I let her sit on me while I do what I want during my lesson. Its a good job I understand EVERY word Auntie Catherine says.... because Mother often misses it, because she is too busy laughing and having a good time. Really, its not on - its ME thats doing the work!! And of course, its a good job I can also spell......and lip read........and also psychically manage to see through Auntie Catherine's hand, when she holds it in front of her mouth to try and give instructions. Really, she can't honestly think she can fool me with that old trick. I am just so OUTRAGEOUSLY brilliant it is untrue. I mean, I bask in my own glory sometimes. Its hard work being so perfectly wonderful. The two Idiot Boys are well and dandy. They still smell and have no friends though. And OUTRAGE of OUTRAGE - I have heard rumours that JT in Wales, my long distance gay best friend may have another Mare on the scene. This will need to be investigated. If its true, he'd better not be doing her hair!!!
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
I am.....
.....The Ice Queen!!! Read it and weep Auntie Sharon, and bask in my glory!! I am to be worshipped and adored.... and if I want to go FAST in the snow, I shall!! MWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! OUTRAGEOUSLY GOOD FUN!!
Friday, 11 December 2009
One is weak.....
....from starvation!!! OUTRAGE of OUTRAGE!!! We ran out of hay late last night, and I had to wait until lunchtime today for the man to arrive to deliver my latest supply. Of course I was a real trooper and let Pops have my last mouthful (and if you believe that you are more gulible than I previously thought). Really, I don't know how I coped and made it through the night! Its only because I'm so brave and kind I expect. At one point I felt soooooooooooo weak from lack of hay I 'collapsed' into a muddy patch. I had to roll over and over several times until I had the strength to stand up again! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I've been making Mother pay for it today. I've been doing my best 'I AM NOT AMUSED' ears at her. After a while Mummy laughed at me, and said if the wind changed I would stay like that! That wasn't the response I was going for! Humphh!
She'll be sorry!!! This will not go un-avenged!
She'll be sorry!!! This will not go un-avenged!
Thursday, 3 December 2009
I am semi outraged.......
.... I know, I've been absent. I have had lots to do you see. Mummy has been distressed recently so I've been looking after her - and sending angry ears thoughts to whoever needs them!
I'm very sad myself at the moment. We had some bad news today. Pops has not been right for a little while - getting confused occasionally, and we have been very worried about him. I've even had to be nice to him! SEMI OUTRAGEOUS!!
Hilda, our most favourite'ist vet in the world was back out today, and poor Pops is almost blind now. His one eye has gone sooooo, soooo cloudy - so quickly. We are all very sad. Hilda is VERY happy that Pops is in excellent condition for his age, and that while he is happy in himself pottering about the field - she is happy for him to carry on being spoilt by us all (which means more spoiling for me too!). She says we are all in superdooper condition. Hilda gave Mummy more bad news yesterday when Mummy rang to book the visit - today was her last day at the vets. She was just about to ring us, when Mum called to make the appointment. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! She is going back to South Africa. It was sad day all round as she particularly wanted to come and say goodbye to us all anyway. We were her favouritist horses to visit. BooooHooooo!
Mummy is very sad about Pops, and she has been crying. Auntie Sharon is sad too - but at least she knows that when Pops stomped on her foot, it was an accident really as he probably didn't see her foot!
Mummy and Daddy fed Pops by holding his bucket tonight, they were telling him that they loved him, and when he was ready, he was to tell them. If it started getting too confusing and scarey for him anymore, he had to let us know. It made me feel sad too. I'm going to have to be a guide horse for him. I'm not wearing a harness though! Mind you - there could be benefits, I think guide horses are allowed in shops - which means I could go into the veg section in supermarkets! I could check out the organic carrot section! Perhaps I should get a harness then!
On another note, I've been practicing my best 'understanding face and ears' This is it - what do you think?
I think I look very caring in this photo. I'm also practicing saying "how are you feeling Eunoch, I mean Pops?" I think I will be very good at this nursing lark.
These are our most favourite pics of Pops. Don't tell him I said so, but he looks very handsome in them.

I can't believe I'm actually asking this - yes, I AM thinking about someone other than myself - please can my blog fans spare some goodwill thoughts for the old fool. I love Pops really - and I will NEVER admit that in public again!
I'm very sad myself at the moment. We had some bad news today. Pops has not been right for a little while - getting confused occasionally, and we have been very worried about him. I've even had to be nice to him! SEMI OUTRAGEOUS!!
Hilda, our most favourite'ist vet in the world was back out today, and poor Pops is almost blind now. His one eye has gone sooooo, soooo cloudy - so quickly. We are all very sad. Hilda is VERY happy that Pops is in excellent condition for his age, and that while he is happy in himself pottering about the field - she is happy for him to carry on being spoilt by us all (which means more spoiling for me too!). She says we are all in superdooper condition. Hilda gave Mummy more bad news yesterday when Mummy rang to book the visit - today was her last day at the vets. She was just about to ring us, when Mum called to make the appointment. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! She is going back to South Africa. It was sad day all round as she particularly wanted to come and say goodbye to us all anyway. We were her favouritist horses to visit. BooooHooooo!
Mummy is very sad about Pops, and she has been crying. Auntie Sharon is sad too - but at least she knows that when Pops stomped on her foot, it was an accident really as he probably didn't see her foot!
Mummy and Daddy fed Pops by holding his bucket tonight, they were telling him that they loved him, and when he was ready, he was to tell them. If it started getting too confusing and scarey for him anymore, he had to let us know. It made me feel sad too. I'm going to have to be a guide horse for him. I'm not wearing a harness though! Mind you - there could be benefits, I think guide horses are allowed in shops - which means I could go into the veg section in supermarkets! I could check out the organic carrot section! Perhaps I should get a harness then!
On another note, I've been practicing my best 'understanding face and ears' This is it - what do you think?

These are our most favourite pics of Pops. Don't tell him I said so, but he looks very handsome in them.

Sunday, 15 November 2009
One would expect....
..... that if One's Mother is attending an event called 'Your Horse Live' and there are stalls selling horsey treats, that she would take YOU with her!!! Oh no, not my mother. I don't care if it is against the rules. I should have been allowed to attend, I would have blended in! After all, I not just any old horse (like the Idiot Boys) I am ME - and known throughout the land as The OUTRAGED HORSE - I AM A CELEBRITY!! OUTRAGEOUS!!
Mummy has been getting terribly excited about going to this event all week, and has been telling me all about it - how on earth does she expect me not to get excited about going and then tell me "see you later T!!!" What is that all about??
There she was yesterday morning, fumbling and falling around in the dark, stupidly early. I heard her fall over a dog, probably Buffy, and then I heard her get hit on the head by our food bin's lid. *snort* Actually, she did squeal quite a lot, so it must have hurt. *double snort*
One shouldn't laugh, but you know how it is..... *triple snort*
The Idiot Boys were still asleep, but I'd set my alarm clock especially - that would be Bobbin the Robbin who lives in the hedge next the field shelter, he's very obliging, bless him. I was waiting, all expectant, Mummy comes over, holding her head and with a red mark across the bridge of her nose, *quadruple snort*, she gives me a rub and a fuss, gives me breakfast (at stupido time) and then says "see you later T!!!" WHAT???? What do you mean, see you later? What about the treat stalls??? Then she left. Humph. I ate my breakfast and then I went and rolled in some mud! Ha, that will fix her!! HAHAHAHA. Only Auntie Sharon came over yesterday, and she sorted us out while Mummy was out for the day. Whoooopsss! Oh dear, I was very muddy. TeeeeHeeeee. Sorry Auntie Sharon (not really).
The Wanderer returned at an OUTRAGEOUS time! I was asleep! In fact I was OUTRAGED in my sleep! "What time do you call this to be crawling in then? Hummmmm? And where are my goodies? Show me the treats???" Daddy waited up for her and walked past the field in his coat and pyjamas - really, a Lady of my standing shouldn't have to experience such sights late a night!
She was gushing about what a great day she'd had and talking about some one called Monty, who whispers to horses - I should blooming well hope so at this time of night! Any louder and he'd wake us up!! OUTRAGEOUS!! "Well, I'm soooooooooooooo pleased you've had a good day Mummy, I have too - stood in my field, with the Idiot Boys, while you've been out gallovanting!!" Hummmph. She'd better have bought me a present!!!
She's said she'll fill me in later on her day out. Sod that, I just want my present!!! Hummmpphh!
Mummy has been getting terribly excited about going to this event all week, and has been telling me all about it - how on earth does she expect me not to get excited about going and then tell me "see you later T!!!" What is that all about??
There she was yesterday morning, fumbling and falling around in the dark, stupidly early. I heard her fall over a dog, probably Buffy, and then I heard her get hit on the head by our food bin's lid. *snort* Actually, she did squeal quite a lot, so it must have hurt. *double snort*
One shouldn't laugh, but you know how it is..... *triple snort*
The Idiot Boys were still asleep, but I'd set my alarm clock especially - that would be Bobbin the Robbin who lives in the hedge next the field shelter, he's very obliging, bless him. I was waiting, all expectant, Mummy comes over, holding her head and with a red mark across the bridge of her nose, *quadruple snort*, she gives me a rub and a fuss, gives me breakfast (at stupido time) and then says "see you later T!!!" WHAT???? What do you mean, see you later? What about the treat stalls??? Then she left. Humph. I ate my breakfast and then I went and rolled in some mud! Ha, that will fix her!! HAHAHAHA. Only Auntie Sharon came over yesterday, and she sorted us out while Mummy was out for the day. Whoooopsss! Oh dear, I was very muddy. TeeeeHeeeee. Sorry Auntie Sharon (not really).
The Wanderer returned at an OUTRAGEOUS time! I was asleep! In fact I was OUTRAGED in my sleep! "What time do you call this to be crawling in then? Hummmmm? And where are my goodies? Show me the treats???" Daddy waited up for her and walked past the field in his coat and pyjamas - really, a Lady of my standing shouldn't have to experience such sights late a night!
She was gushing about what a great day she'd had and talking about some one called Monty, who whispers to horses - I should blooming well hope so at this time of night! Any louder and he'd wake us up!! OUTRAGEOUS!! "Well, I'm soooooooooooooo pleased you've had a good day Mummy, I have too - stood in my field, with the Idiot Boys, while you've been out gallovanting!!" Hummmph. She'd better have bought me a present!!!
She's said she'll fill me in later on her day out. Sod that, I just want my present!!! Hummmpphh!
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