Sunday, 15 November 2009

One would expect....

..... that if One's Mother is attending an event called 'Your Horse Live' and there are stalls selling horsey treats, that she would take YOU with her!!! Oh no, not my mother. I don't care if it is against the rules. I should have been allowed to attend, I would have blended in! After all, I not just any old horse (like the Idiot Boys) I am ME - and known throughout the land as The OUTRAGED HORSE - I AM A CELEBRITY!! OUTRAGEOUS!!

Mummy has been getting terribly excited about going to this event all week, and has been telling me all about it - how on earth does she expect me not to get excited about going and then tell me "see you later T!!!" What is that all about??

There she was yesterday morning, fumbling and falling around in the dark, stupidly early. I heard her fall over a dog, probably Buffy, and then I heard her get hit on the head by our food bin's lid. *snort* Actually, she did squeal quite a lot, so it must have hurt. *double snort*
One shouldn't laugh, but you know how it is..... *triple snort*

The Idiot Boys were still asleep, but I'd set my alarm clock especially - that would be Bobbin the Robbin who lives in the hedge next the field shelter, he's very obliging, bless him. I was waiting, all expectant, Mummy comes over, holding her head and with a red mark across the bridge of her nose, *quadruple snort*, she gives me a rub and a fuss, gives me breakfast (at stupido time) and then says "see you later T!!!" WHAT???? What do you mean, see you later? What about the treat stalls??? Then she left. Humph. I ate my breakfast and then I went and rolled in some mud! Ha, that will fix her!! HAHAHAHA. Only Auntie Sharon came over yesterday, and she sorted us out while Mummy was out for the day. Whoooopsss! Oh dear, I was very muddy. TeeeeHeeeee. Sorry Auntie Sharon (not really).

The Wanderer returned at an OUTRAGEOUS time! I was asleep! In fact I was OUTRAGED in my sleep! "What time do you call this to be crawling in then? Hummmmm? And where are my goodies? Show me the treats???" Daddy waited up for her and walked past the field in his coat and pyjamas - really, a Lady of my standing shouldn't have to experience such sights late a night!

She was gushing about what a great day she'd had and talking about some one called Monty, who whispers to horses - I should blooming well hope so at this time of night! Any louder and he'd wake us up!! OUTRAGEOUS!! "Well, I'm soooooooooooooo pleased you've had a good day Mummy, I have too - stood in my field, with the Idiot Boys, while you've been out gallovanting!!" Hummmph. She'd better have bought me a present!!!

She's said she'll fill me in later on her day out. Sod that, I just want my present!!! Hummmpphh!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tara don't worry about you being so muddy it was a pleasure to give you a pamper session, and you were a very good girl. I hope you liked the lovely new rug I put on you to help keep you warm.

    I hope mummy bought you lots of goodies, and I look forward to seeing them.
    Big hugs, and see you soon.
    Love Auntie Sharon
