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Why do all the good looking boys....
....trot on the other hoof? After unloading myself from the box and allowing Mummy and Auntie Helen to check me over, we made our way to my B&B field. The Pedigree Eunoch was waiting with baited breath. He had been informed of my arrival and how lucky he was to be honour with a visit from myself. First impressions were good. I admit he's not a bad looking lad.
JT made me very welcome, and though it pains me to say so publicly, I actually really liked him. Ahhhhhhh, a holiday romance, thinks I!!! We spent the afternoon getting to know each other while Mummy and Auntie Helen went off doing things. I was a bit suspicious when they returned smelling of strange horses. Hmmmmmmmm. JT told me all about the farm, and I told him we were going to the beach the next day for ice creams. We played in the field, rolled and frolicked around and it was great! I told JT all about the Idiot Boys at home, and how we laughed.
Mummy and Auntie Helen came to give us our tea, it was a little later than normal for me and I was getting very worried as I was sure I was on the verge of collapsing from starvation! It was huge relief to have my Tara-Bear Snacks. I did consider letting JT try some of mine - but that thought didn't last very long. Mummy kissed me goodnight and told me to be brave and a good girl. "Oh for goodness sake woman!" After they left, JT sidled up to me. I thought he was either going to try it on with me (I am SERIOUSLY not that kind of girl) or he was going to try and eat my tea (there was none left anyway) but no, he sidled up and whispered in my ear. I waited with anticipation....... "Lady Tara"...... "Yes, JT"....... "Lady Tara, would you like me to do your hair for you............." HUH???The next morning Mummy and Auntie Helen appeared early to get us ready for our beach ride. I had spent a very pleasant evening with JT. He was besotted by me, but I was seriously confused by him. Why would he want to do my hair? He kept giving me kisses, which I quite liked, but he was very polite and respectful. And the kisses were always on the cheek or nose.Mummy & Auntie Helen took us up to the milking parlour to get ready for our ride. DO I LOOK LIKE A COW?!! No-one answer that! JT told me not to worry as it was a great place for getting ready. Here we are posing nicely.
While Mummy was grooming me to get me ready, she noticed that my mane looked like it had been trimmed! She certainly hadn't done it. It was very neatly and perfectly trimmed halfway down and towards the bottom. Mummy stood scratching her head and called Auntie Helen over. They both stood scratching their heads, and I nodded over towards JT who stood sheepishly looking the other way. Mummy inspected JT's mouth and pulled out evidence of my mane from the corner of his chops! "JT has been trimming Tara's hair! He thinks he's a hairdresser!! Tara never lets the boys do that to her! He's done a very neat job." Mummy and Auntie Helen laughed a lot, and made comments about JT trotting on the other hoof. That would make sense. Yesssssss. Kissing on the cheek. Likes doing my hair. Wants to be my Best Friend Forever, but with no sexy stuff..... It's all falling into place! My suspicions were further confirmed when we put on our travelling gear. Auntie Helen put on JT's boots - they had pink bits on them! Coooool!! I have a gay friend! We can go shopping and everything!!We all headed for the horsebox and I loaded myself in. Then it was JT's turn. Nope, the big blouse was having none of it. He was prancing around like a male ballet star. *Sigh* Auntie Helen tried to get him on. Nope, not happening. I ate some hay and glared at him. Uncle Huw came over to help. I ate some more hay and watched the show. JT was walking in circles but refused to come anywhere near the box. I thought it might help if I pointed out that I thought he was an idiot! I snorted in his general direction. JT looked suitably ashamed but still refused to come near the box. OUTRAGEOUS!!! I want an ice cream!!! Mummy asked Auntie Helen if she could try something. She put JT on a long line and walked him round a bit, then she loosened the line right off and she came and stood on the box with me. It was about time that someone got in with me! By this point I didn't really care who it was. Get me a carrott! Mummy had some food with her - I thought it might be for me, but it was for the Idiot Gay Horse! Mummy stood there talking to me, with the line to JT loose. Everytime he took a step towards the box, Mummy gave him a reward and a rub. HELLO!!!!! I'm ON the box. He isn't. Why are you treating him?!? He's a fool and should stick to hairdressing! I was quite cross by this point as you can imagine. I was even more humpy when Mummy said to Auntie Helen that we wouldn't push JT. She was more than happy to ride round the farm instead of the beach. WHAT ABOUT MY ICE CREAM??? Mummy said lets just use the box as a training exercise instead and then go for a ride after. I had to stand on the box as Mummy's assistant, while she worked with JT. Auntie Helen and Huw watched and Auntie Helen told Mummy it was a pleasure to watch her go into behaviour mode. Mummy was very pleased as I know Mummy thinks she is a bit of a scatty twit when it comes to us Equines. After a short time Mummy had JT stepping up onto the box because he wanted to come up to us, and he was rewarded for being brave. Then she would ask him to back off again. Then he was all brave and wanted to come on with us. We did it a few times, and then Auntie Helen came and took him back round the to miling parlour and Mummy got me off the box. I was a bit fed up with this by now. I mean, I was supposed to be on holiday, not working with an Idiot Boy!We got ready to go for a ride, and JT apologised profusely for being a big girls blouse. I forgave him because he made such a good job of my hair. JT was very interested in my apparell. I told him I was a cow-girl in western gear. He said, you want to be careful, don't forget this is a dairy farm - with real cows around. Hmmmmmm. This is leading somewhere. Notice the neatly trimmed bottom part of my main in this pic.
When we were ready we had a lovely ride around the farm. JT is on limited exercise so we stuck to walking and jogging (trotting). I was a good girl and it was a lovely ride out. We saw some people who were out looking for pheasents. They are allowed on the land to do this. We said hello and as we rode off, Mummy and Auntie Helen started laughing. I asked JT what was funny and he told me that he and his Mummy had been out the day before and ridden round where the people with guns go and told all the pheasents to move and hide! Tee heee!! Auntie Helen says that Uncle Huw knows she does this, but doesn't know.... if we know what she means. I have no idea what she means, but it seemed to make sense to Mummy! When we got back to the farm, Uncle Huw was waiting for us. He made a big fuss of JT and me. Uncle Huw has never been on a horse before, and JT is too much of a blouse for him to try, so guess who was volunteered for a beginners ride! Do I look like a seaside donkey?!?! OUTRAGEOUS!!! Oh well. It's because I am such an Angel I suppose. Uncle Huw got on, and off we went. I decided that as he is a diary farm, and I am a cow-girl, we'd better go and move some cows!! Here we are, we almost look professional!
YYYYYYHAAAAAAA!!!! Ermmm, Uncle Huw, they aren't moving. Eating yes, moving no.
Ok, bored now - time to get off Uncle Huw.
Once Uncle Huw had got off me, we went back into the parlour and Auntie Helen hosed us down. It was great fun, I love being hosed! Auntie Helen has a HUGE hose! Like a firemans! Much better than Mummy's hose at home!!! Here I am queuing up for my turn. Excuse the pooh - that wasn't me - it was JT!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Then it was back to the field for lunch and snacks!!!!!
I had a wonderful time with you Lady T and I can't wait until I see you next. :) Dad has said that next time we'll go to the beach I will go in the trailer and he'll drive it personally. Can I do your hair again?
ReplyDeleteYour ever loving JT. xxxx
How lucky you are Tara to live with just 2 "idot boys" As a mature gentleman in his late 20's I have rather high standards too. I have to share a stable block with at least 6 other horses, and even more thoughout the santuay grounds where I live.
ReplyDeleteThat is OUTRAGEOUS Merlin, I should launch a protest immediately!! Demand that at least 4, or possible 5 'lodgers' are removed from your stable block! I can give you advice on how to put on your very best 'angry ears' if you wish. Mature folks like us need our very own space! With no twits around! And did you say Sanctuary? Hmmmmmm, room for 2 maybe? *very evil ears* Love Tara xxxx
ReplyDeleteDear Tara, We, the Comittee of the Animals of HACK (CAHACK)would like you to know we are all good horses and we... What? oh yes.. We are all good horses and ponies and... *don't forget us pigs*...Us hoses ponies and pi... OI and us goats... Us Horses ponies pigs and goats... What about George?... OH okay And Gorge the Donkey That everyone? Ok, please let me finish.
ReplyDeleteAs I was saying we feel we should inform you that merlin is a bit of a spoilsport. and he should not be taken seriously.
Thank you for taking the time to read our letter,
Lilly horse- Cheif letter writing official of CAHACK