Tuesday, 27 October 2009

You just can't get the.....

....Service!! Being a Lady means that I have to have the best. Mummy does like to spoil me. As a very special present, because I only have seven saddles, Mummy found a beautiful Western/Mexican saddle on Ebay. Not only the saddle, it also has the matching bridle, breastplate and all the other goodies I could possibly want! I was terribly excited about my present arriving. The lady sending it sent it special delivery so I would have it in time for trying out before I go to Wales. MY parcel was supposed to arrive on Saturday, via a Slave called Parcel Force. PAH!!! Peasant Force would be more like it!! OUTRAGEOUS!!! My parcel didn't arrive on Saturday, after they promised it would! They said they couldn't find me! Rubbish! How many horses do they deliver too? The fools! Mummy contacted the nice lady seller, who got straight onto Peasant Force on Monday morning. The lady was very cross as she'd paid extra so MY saddle would be with me for the weekend. By Monday afternoon there was still no sign of my parcel. I was very cross. I did my best angry ears and bit Pop's bum in frustration! Mummy and Daddy had to go the vets to collect the Eunoch known as Mouse, and still no sign of Peasant Force. In the evening Mummy went to email the nice lady seller to see that Peasant Force had been in touch with the lady seller to say they have delivered the parcel and it had been signed for!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! Not by Me or My Mummy, or even My Daddy, though I suspect he signs for things with a picture, or by making his mark. I digress!! Mummy was very upset, I could hear her crying from my field. Daddy spoke to the seller lady on the phone who was also very upset as the saddle had been a special present from her Dad, and she wanted it to have a good home. We were all planning to go Peasent Force Hunting!
This morning Daddy contacted our lovely Peasent Force Man. He knows how to deliver parcels to us. He wasn't on yesterday and the Village Idiot had been allowed to deliver instead! Our lovely man got onto the case for me. The Peasent Force Depot were about as useful as a gelding at a stud farm.... But our lovely man saved the day. He tracked down the Village Idiot and worked out what had happened, then he recognised the name of the person who had signed for the parcel and was able to direct us to where MY present was being held captive!!! Mummy and Daddy rushed off to save it. Pheeeewwwwwww!! The nice seller lady was very relieved too. Mummy is going to try my goodies on me later. Its my lesson soon. Be warned - don't trust Village Idiots in Peasent Force vans! Lets hope they don't have to deliver anything really important - like my tea! As that would be absolutely OUTRAGEOUS!!

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